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Welcome to Live Free & Thrive where you will find gluten-free, corn-free, allergy-friendly recipes, information, resources and personal care products.

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Whole Fruit Slushy

Whole Fruit Slushy

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(Originally published on 9 Jan 2016 at

We Corn-Alergics often find ourselves longing for beverages we used to have or simply for a variety beyond water and loose leaf tea for example. It has been warmer this winter in Central CA so I came up with this refreshing slushy beverage on Super Bowl Sunday for refreshing way to quench thirst and to buy me more time to finish dinner.

This recipe is versatile so keep the proportions as listed and vary the fruit(s) used.


  • 2 cups coconut water

  • 3 cups frozen fruit (1½ cup each mango & pineapple)


  1. Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth & slushy.

  2. Enjoy!

*Note: A single fruit slushy would be amazing too. Doesn't a peach or nectarine slushy sound awesome? Berry combos would also do the trick.

Avocado Deviled Eggs

Avocado Deviled Eggs

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