Holistic Wellness with Mena

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Yellow Dock Infused Honey

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Infused Honey

What is infused honey and how is it can be made?

It is just as it sounds, honey that has been infused with an herb. It can be infused using the no-heat or heat method.  Each method has its benefits and its cons. The no-heat method allows us to reap the benefits of both the raw honey and the dried herb, flower, bark, and / or root used. The no-heat method makes extracting the constituents of dense barks and roots more challenging but retains the honey’s enzyme potency whereas with the heat method the latter is lost.

How to Use Yellow Dock Root Infused Honey

  • Use in the Blood Building Syrup as well as a sweetener in this Iron Rich Latte for more of yellow dock’s benefits.

  • Another way to enjoy this honey   is to mix it with some olive oil and the Yellow Dock Root Vinegar for a salad dressing that can help with the absorption of non-heme iron in salad greens.

  • It can also be enjoyed on toast for those who enjoy bread, in tea for a healthy sweetener, as well as anywhere one would typically use honey.

Yellow Dock Root Infused Honey (No-Heat)



  1. Place root in a pint jar.

  2. Pour in honey fully submerging root.

  3. Use a chopstick or butter knife to release air pockets.

  4. Store lidded jar in pantry.

  5. Turn jar over at least once daily.

  6. Strain after a few weeks.

  7. Enjoy as desired.


  • The longer the honey infuses, the stronger the flavor so infusing for 3 - 4 is a typical timeframe while 1 week is minimum.

  • Check the level of honey daily at the beginning as the herbs & honey settle. Add honey as needed so that the herbs continue to be fully submerged.

  • When straining, use the leftover herbs in a tea to boost flavor.

Heat Method

When infusing honey with fresh herbs, it is wise to choose the heat method even though some of the raw honey’s beneficial properties will be lost. When extra moisture of fresh herbs is introduced into a honey infusion, it increases the risk of culturing unwanted bacteria which ferments honey. Adding heat to such an infusion creates a more shelf-stable honey as well as allows for better extraction of the beneficial properties of dense materials such as roots and barks than at room temperature.

 Yellow Dock Root Infused Honey (heat method)

Yield: about 1 cup (8 ozs.)



  1. Place roots in crockpot or yogurt maker.

  2. Pour honey in crockpot (or yogurt maker) over roots.

  3. Turn heat high.

  4. Stir, folding roots into honey.

  5. Continue stirring until honey just begins to bubble.

  6. Turn to low heat allowing to infuse overnight up to 24 hrs.

  7. Strain out roots when honey reaches desired taste.

  8. Store herb-infused honey in a cool, dark place to better maintain freshness.