Holistic Wellness with Mena

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Iron Rich Root Latté

Iron Rich Root Latté

Most of us have a morning routine that gets the day going. My go-to morning beverages is a  dandelion & yellow dock root latté.  As someone who is allergic to corn, coffee free from corn is a challenge to find, so it is no longer an option. For those who live with or wish to avoid iron deficiency, avoiding coffee is a great idea so that its tannins do not interfere with iron absorption. For those who do keep coffee in the routine, it is a wise choice to add a fat such as full-fat coconut milk or coconut oil to the coffee so the fat can bind with the tannins. (Remember to keep calcium content consumed to less than 300 mg if consuming coffee while addressing iron concerns.)

So, what is an iron deficient, coffee lover to do?

This iron rich latte is a great nutritionally packed option that is also tasty. Yes, if you have never had either of these roots, manage your expectations because they do not taste like coffee, but they are bitter like it & offer a complex flavor profile reminiscent of kava.

Why these roots?

 Dandelion root not only supports liver function, but it also adds phytonutrients such as iron, manganese & potassium* &  yellow dock root also supports the liver, promotes digestion & can be helpful with skin conditions such as acne & eczema. It is a great addition to the routine for those who are iron deficient because it helps use & absorb iron.**  Plus yellow dock is a nutrient dene root that contains vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), & C as well as the minerals calcium, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium & zinc.

Adding More Nutrients

For protein content, I add collagen powder. You may be asking, “Why do I want protein in my latté?” You may not, but why not add a nutrient that helps with satiety? As a nutrition student, my professor required that we design & conduct an experiment for each of our classes so that we could understand & practice the scientific method, but also so that we could explore biology related questions. Being the chocoholic that I am, over the course of my studies, two of my experiments involved exploring the effects of adding both protein & fat to a hot chocolate & to chocolate bars respectively. In both of these experiments, I found that adding collagen caused the participants to feel satiated longer than without & when both collagen & fat were added, the time was even longer. The conclusion? For a more nutritionally complete beverage, adding these two macronutrients is one way to have a nutrient dense beverage that staves off hunger longer.

             The medicinal mushrooms are added as an adaptogenic support. Adaptogens are understood to help the body handle stress better with extended use.  And finally the coconut milk which adds fat as well as creamy favor layer.


* Dandelion should always be organic when consumed since they are heavily sprayed. Those sensitive to inulin should trial with caution.

** Those with hemochromatosis should avoid yellow dock.

Where Do I Buy the Ingredients?

There are many sources for herbs, but not all offer the same quality. When purchasing roots, make sure they are organic & not harvested near roadsides where they may accumulate toxins. While dandelions are beautiful & offer childhood joy, many people use herbicides in an effort to get rid of them in gardens for example because many perceive it to be an annoying weed versus a nutrient dense food & herb. 

            Starwest Botanicals offers an organic granulated dandelion roasted to offer a delightful flavor profile & Mountain Rose Herbs is my preferred brand for organic yellow dock. For a good collagen powder, I like both Great Lakes & Thrive Market’s brand. Om offers a great option for gluten free mushroom powders as does Paul Stamets’ Host Defense.

            Not all coconut milks are good options as some include gummy additives which may irritate the gut & should be avoided by those who have IBD, IBS, corn-allergy, & / or a sensitive GI tract. The brand that I find to be offer the best texture as well as creamy flavor is Thai Kitchen’s full fat coconut milk in the carton.

 Iron Rich Root Latté

Paleo, DF, EF, GF, NF

Yield: 2 servings or 15 oz. mugs


·       3 cups water

·       2 Tbsp. organic granulated roasted dandelion root

·       1 Tbsp. organic yellow dock root

·       3 - 4 Tbsp. collagen powder, optional

·       2 tsp. powdered medicinal mushroom(s) of choice

·       full fat coconut milk, to taste


1.       Bring water to boil with roots over high heat in saucepan.

2.      Reduce heat & allow to simmer for 20 minutes.

3.      Place collage 1-2 Tbsp. collagen in each mug with 1 tsp. mushroom powder.

4.      Strain decoction into each mug.

5.      Add desired amount of coconut milk & enjoy!