Holistic Wellness with Mena

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Double Ginger Cashew Pie Crust

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Double Ginger Cashew Pie Crust (SCD)

This flavor full pie crust is versatile not only as a raw pie crust, but also as a snack bar a la Larabar as well as an energy ball or even a truffle using white chocolate for SCD or other safe chocolate for those not on SCD For the latter two ideas, read the notes below.

The first variation of this crust was created for my Mango Panna Cotta using crystalized ginger which contains cane sugar. The combination is delicious, but the crust is not SCD legal, so I needed to recreate it only SCD legal ingredients. The good news is that using both fresh and powdered ginger work very well and offer just as an intense flavor as the crystalized ginger. This crust makes a lovely pair with this SCD Pistachio Pudding.

When using a sweet pie filling or one with a subtle or gentle flavor, try the pie crust with 5 dates so that their sweetness does not overpower the filling. When using a robustly or less sweet flavored pie filling, use 6 dates. The amount of powdered ginger should reflect how much you enjoy its flavor as well as compliment the pie filling being used. When deciding how much to use, keep in mind that powdered ginger is hotter than fresh ginger.

Nutrition and Herbal Information

Ginger offers not only a wonderful flavor, but it is also a medicinal herb with an affinity for the respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be useful in addressing chronic inflammation present in arthritic conditions. Because ginger increases circulation by dilating blood vessels, it is often used in herbal formulas to help disperse herbal remedies in the body more efficiently.

Ginger’s antimicrobial properties are also helpful with colds and flus and gastrointestinal issues such as upset digestion and diarrhea.

The most common digestive issues ginger is used to address include symptoms of stagnant digestion which may include: bloating, constipation, gas, scalloped tongue, and a white coating on the tongue. Sometimes those with sluggish digestion have a heavy feeling in the stomach after meals or they may also have cold hands and feet.

Another common use of ginger is for general nausea, nausea in motion sickness, and, in small amounts, it is considered safe to use for nausea in pregnancy. It has also be used to decrease post chemotherapy and post surgery nausea and to address food poisoning due to its ability to relieve cramping and its antimicrobial activity against such pathogens as E. coli, and Salmonella.

Cashews are a good source of fat with as well as copper, iron, magnesium, tryptophan, phosphorus and zinc.

1 Medjool date offers carbohydrates as well as calcium (15 mg), magnesium (13 mg), phosphorus (15 mg) and potassium (167 mg).

Both coconut oil and unsweetened coconut shreds offer healthy fats and 2 tablespoons of the latter offer 13% DV of manganese, 4% of copper, and 2% of zinc.

Double Ginger Cashew Pie Crust



  1. Place all ingredients in food processor.

  2. Pulse until a dough ball forms.

  3. Place in pie plate.

  4. Smooth out with fingers.

  5. Add a non-baked filling & proceed with an further pie recipe directions. Enjoy!

 *Notes on variations:

  • This recipe is also a tasty snack as an Energy Ball. To make an energy ball, remove the dough from the food processor & roll it in portions to make ¾ - 1 inch balls.

  • For a Whole Food Truffle: make ½-inch balls & dip each ball in safe for you melted chocolate, homemade white chocolate, unsweetened coconut shreds, or cacao powder (for modified SCD).